Hello, it is good to know this information, in many things you are right, for those same reasons that you mention I have never given the USBUtil sources, if you go to the history of PS2 USB you will see a hard work by many including me, who am Cuban, that under many difficulties created USBUtil in 2008, when USBUtil 1.0 came out, the world of ps2 was revolutionized by USB, ifcaro and dlanor began to work on OPL, two great ones in the history of USB on PS2, but USBUtil never got into disputes with anyone, Well, my task was to help the PS2 community not make disputes, PS2 users will go where it is most comfortable for them, so they will decide what to use, although you are right and the kings their crowns, I can not do anything, just keep helping, I do not see to ifcaro or dlanor here claiming nothing! They decided to give their code so that others could create modifications and that is what is happening.Īll code for PS2 is under the hand of SONY, since they are the legitimate owners of everything, even the very name that the PS2 carries, so all action on a game is partly a crime, but that crime ceases to be when everything it is free and there is no profit on what we do.